Clinical Supervision

There are many reasons for seeking clinical supervision.

The first reason most practitioners think of for getting supervision is the requirement for licensure. However, there are other reasons some seek clinical supervision.

As a practitioner, you may work at an agency where your supervisor is not the best fit.

Perhaps, you are working on cases you know need another person’s perspective.

Or you’re in solo practice and need help.

To expand on the previously mentioned reasons…

You may work at an agency where you either receive inadequate supervision or no supervision. Effective clinical supervision helps you carry your caseload and know that you are not alone with your clinical responsibilities.

Therapists new to private practice often need help in growing comfortable with the rigors of practicing alone. Those practitioners who have been in private practice for a while experience challenges from cases they know need another pair of eyes to see through the issues.

Clinical supervision helps you have more fun in your practice. Receiving clinical supervision makes you feel less isolated and offers a second pair of eyes while evaluating patients.

If you’re new to private practice, clinical supervision helps you develop as an entrepreneur because you’re a business owner now.

Supervision provides guidance.

Diagnosing and using DSM-5 can be daunting and make you question your clinical standards.

Working with a clinical supervisor helps you examine how you see your patients and work through those definitions together.

Maybe you need guidance with challenging assessments and treatment planning. You may not be confident in your ability to assess, or you’re not yet confident in your step-by-step treatment planning and processing.

As a clinical supervisor, I can help you grow in your processing skills.

Supervision provides self-care for the practitioner.

You’ve likely encountered transference and countertransference in your classes.

Experiencing these issues live is a different “animal.” Clinical supervision is the very best place to learn about your transference triggers and keep yourself crystal clear with your patients. I know I can help you talk through these challenges.

Supervision is a natural place to develop all your self-care as a practitioner. It’s the place to establish your professional goals, your business goals, your personal goals, and how to reach all of them. Talking with someone who has “been there” is just what is needed to crystallize your plans.

The therapeutic relationship is a unique relationship with unique boundaries that are often subtle and very sensitive. Human beings are complex. Clinical supervision is the best place to get into “the weeds” of relationships, so you can be the best clinician for yourself and your patients. It’s your place to say whatever you need to say about your patients and get the clarity you need.

My experience can help you.

With over three decades of experience, I love to help other practitioners see what they are not seeing. Everyone has blind spots! Just like when we are driving a car…

Those blind spots can sneak upon us. I would never go to a therapist who hasn’t been in personal therapy or who practices without presenting their caseload to other professionals.

Clinical supervision helps everyone be more precise, more confident in their process, and stay up to date in their practice.

Everyone benefits. Clinical supervision helps prevent burnout and is especially important for solo practitioners. Supervision lightens the responsibility and allows you to face each patient with more confidence.

Call me at (303) 220-8400, so we can chat about how I might help you as you move forward in your career path.

I would love to partner with you in your career growth.